What is Google AdSense
Google Adsense is one of the online business model of the most common and the most famous among the online business in the world and also in Indonesia. Here are some questions that are frequently asked by beginners to me about "what is Google Adsense?".
1. So Google Adsense?
Google Adsense is an online advertising program that is owned by Google. Google Adsense is the quickest and easiest way for the owner of the website / blog to make money from the internet.
The trick is to put Google Adsense ads on your web / blog, if there are other people or visitors to your site / blog ad clicks then you will get a commission from Google.
2. How do I register Google Adsense?
If you already have a Google account such as Gmail, Blogger, and others, then you can sign up for Google Adsense for free by using the Google account.
3. How can I be accepted?
Currently registering Google Adsense program is quite difficult to accept, especially for beginners. You need any special knowledge or specific tricks, more power suggest you read about Adsense
4. Can I make some Adsense account with the same name?
No. You can only make one Adsense account using your name. With an account you can put the code Adsense Adsense ads on many web / blog.
5. How do I get started to make money from Adsense?
Once you are accepted and have a Google Adsense account, then you can start to advertise on the blog and if there are other people who click on the Adsense ads then you will get a commission dollars $$ (commission per click varies).
Terumudah way to earn Adsense is by blogging using free blogging service from Blogger.com/blogspot.com.
6. How much will I earn dollars from Google Adsense?
Google will pay you when blog visitors to click Adsense ads on your blog, how much you earn will depend on the number of visitors to the blog, traffic sources, keywords, ad type, and content of your blog topic.
7. Why do I get a commission when other people click on my Adsense ads?
Adsense ads are from the company or from the businessmen who want to advertise through Google, the advertiser pays Google to display their ads, then for Google ads placed on your blog then you get Komis from Google. (The profit sharing arrangement between Google and the owner of the website / blog).
8. If so, what should I clicked my own Adsense ads or get someone else to click on my Adsense ads?
Should not. Because it violates the rules of Google Adsense program, if you do a Google can track the source of clicks and can be labeled as a source of invalid clicks or invalid.
Google Adsense rules violations can cause your Adsense account is closed (Banned / Disabled) and can not use it anymore.
9. When and how will I get paid?
You can earn a commission from Google Adsense payment if your income has reached $ 100 or more. The easiest and fastest melt commission Adsense dollars in the world is through Western Union.
Yes. Google Adsense has paid a lot of webmasters and bloggers around the world for many years. In Indonesia itself has quite a lot of webmasters and bloggers who have received thousands of dollars every month.
Start to create a blog with creative
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