WordPress users to your personal blog or for business purposes? WordPress has become the choice for most beginners to businesses that use their website as a means of promotion. In addition to low prices and even free, WordPress can also be optimized easily by anyone. If not optimized then others even pencaripun machine will not assume that the content we really - really great. And here's how
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1. General settings
After installing WordPress, we will go directly to the General Settings page located in the WordPress Admin dashboard. In this section we will be able to mengubat some basic configuration settings are most important to the site or our website, including:
Website Title: This is the name that will be given to your website or blog. And will be used to identify websites in the feed.
Tagline: A short phrase, sentence or slogan shows that explains our website.
WordPress address (URL): Here we will enter the full URL of the directory containing the application files
Our core WordPress, such as wp-login.php, wp-admin, wp-content and wp-includes.
Email address: This is the email address that we can use whenever WordPress should contact us. Can also when there is interaction as comments on each article, it will go in and give notification via email.
Followers: Keika we use this feature, then anyone can follow or register account to our website.
Time zone: From the pull down box select cities across time zones, where we are.
Format date and time: We need setting or customize the date and time that will appear on our website.
Week Start On: From the features list, we can choose the day of the week who want to made WordPress calendar where we started.
Language: Select the language that we want it to appear and use the dashboard.
2. Optimizing title
The title of our blog is the identification and sign for others. The title is usually the contents of our pages are in the <title> tag. This title will be recognized by the search engines when looking for a website or blog. That's why naming your blog or website should be attractive, fit and SEO.
Joost de Valk also pointed out that the title include:
Our brand name, should not only at the beginning of course, but also at the end, so that people easily recognize us in successive searches - participated.
Keywords that we consider most important for a page should be at the beginning of the title.
Which obviously have to pull that makes people be persuaded to click.
3. Install Plugin
If you want to prevent collisions site during periods of heavy traffic, so we haris install the plugin to cache. This plugin not only keep the site as it goes, but also will improve the experience of our visitors, how to increase the speed of our website. W3 Total Cache is one of the most popular and trusted as a plugin Cache.
4. Optimizing images
By optimizing the images on our website, then it will increase the speed and improve the SEO of our website. We can do this by providing an appropriate image, such as the use of keywords from our content, no longer image.jpg or Photo001.jpg. And the right size is 300 × 300. In addition, by adding ALT and title on the picture attribute.
WPExplorer can also install a plugin like ewww Image Optimizer, CW Image Optimizer and WP Smush.it. With this plugin will obviously be reduced load websites and SEO friendly website we are getting.
5. Do some housekeeping
Sometimes we get a comment that we do not want in the article or content on our website. If comments like that are left will obviously increase the use or the size of our databases. Since WordPress 2.9 has been no trash feature that allows us to safely remove comments, posts and pages that reduce our database space.
In addition to selecting an appropriate theme, we also can restrict jumlahj revised by adding the code define ('WP_POST_REVISIONS', 3); We can change the number 3 in accordance with what we want to wp-config.php file. In addition, we also can use a plugin like WP-DBManager or WP-Optimize to otomais remove auto-concept, comment spam or search history.
6. Schedule a backup
As long as we use WordPress, we know, and even use the schedule for our posts. So when we make today, then posting it to be published in a specified time. It turns out that in addition to making a schedule for our publications, we also can make a schedule for the backup files WordPress. So we do not lose valuable information that can regulate our website back to the starting point. We can install a plugin BackUpWordpress or Backup Schedule.
7. Tidy sidebar position
Some websites have a sidebar full of ads that feature even quite disturbing for readers. It helps us to rearrange the use of a link or menu in the sidebar. Reduce or remove unnecessary, even leaving only 2 sidebars alone and that others put on a subpage.
8. Install SEO Plugin for WordPress
Talking about websites and WordPress, then we must know how important SEO for our website. Install plugins like SEO by Yoast WordPress. While there are plugins that also helps us to improve SEO efforts by helping us choose effective keywords and write better content. In addition there is another SEO plugin that can be used, namely the All in One SEO Pack, Ultimate SEO or Google XML Sitemaps.
9. Use social media buttons
Additionally, buttons or widgets for social media is also very important, because they help visitors to enable them to share on their social media platforms. But social media widgets or buttons can also slow down your site. This is because the share button that official must make a call to an external service.
To ensure the page loads are light and can run fast, then consider using the social media buttons we have his account. Such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
10. Creating user delivery
Raelene Wilson from WPMU DEV has a different definition of a content delivery network:
A CDN is a network server, usually located in various places around the world. Cache static content of the site, such as images, CSS and Javascript.
Copyan static content from CDN our site to the server, so that when people go to our website, the static content is delivered from the server closest to him.
He suggested to use such jarngan MaxCDN, CloudFlare, Rackspace Cloud Files, and CacheFly.
11. Install Plugin AntiSpam
Comment spam we often encounter. It is not only annoying, but also can harm our website rankings. Comment spam containing a link there that are not favored by search engines like Google. To save us from spam, we can consider installing eperti Akismet antispam plugin or Antispam Bee.
12. Create a calendar for editorial
Developing a website with WordPress requires a lot of organization and management. That is why we must have an editorial calendar to help us plan and schedule our posts. One way to do this is to install the plugin Edit Flow or WPBeginner.
13. Make a list of email
Often we see a column newsletter and when we put our emails regularly then we will get an automatic email. That is called building an email list. Email list will help us to map out who our target. It is very useful to perform marketing techniques. We can use MailChimp or AWeber. After that we will integrate email subscription form to our WordPress website. WPBeginner advised to install a plugin like OptinMonster.
14. Adding a new user or author
There is a possibility we can not handle our own website or blog. And it makes us have to invite others to help us. Start of creating content, edit it to post.
You can add new users or new writers to fill in a form on a new section in the WordPress Admin page. After completing the form, make sure you choose a role for people - the people. WordPress gives us options such as Administrator, Editor, contributor, writer or subscriber. And we can provide different access for each - each user.
15. Install the plugins for performance
In addition to installing the plugin to improve the speed and performance of your website, the next is our effort to ensure that the appropriate plugins already installed and running properly. Even not memperlambar performance of our website. The trick is able to see the use of space in the CPU Plugin yatu P3 (Performance Plugin Profilter).
Content is continue to play an important role in creating a website that will be visited by many people. And 15 above tips may be helpful to optimize the performance of our WordPress website.
Thank You
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