Friday, 17 April 2015

How to Register and Get Dollars In ADF.LY is a website to earn money by way of abbreviating the URL of a web address / blog long. How it works shorten links and also to menyembunyakan original link, if you use your will be paid so there are people who click on the link we are. We can reap the benefits by simply changing the web, blog, download links, and others.

How to register in ADF.LY

For those who want to register, please follow these steps:
1. Go to : here
2. Once logged in click on JOIN

3. Then fill the form with complete

Your Name: Fill in your name here. It will later be used to in (login)
E-mail: Enter your E-mail address. Later also required for entry and also confirmation
Retype E-mail: Enter E-mail address again
Password: Enter the password that you want at least 6/7 of character
Retype Password: Enter the password again before
Account Type:
Here there are two options: Link Sherinker and Advertiser
Select the link Sherinker

4. Once all the data is filled in completely and correctly, please click the Submit button
5. Then open your email, and a confirmation email that you registered to your account
6. Copy the code confirmation / activation are given and click on the activation link in the email
7. Enter the confirmation code that you copied earlier, and then click "Submit" Once confirmed, meaning Registration Success.
8. It is time for you to put as much as possible to link clicked by a visitor that your dollar is increasing.

How to Make Money in ADF.LY:

1. Select the link that want truncated and then copy the link and paste it in the box that I put a red

2. Click shrink

3. Then you will get a short link you paste the link replacement earlier
4. Copy the link and paste it in your posts and spread these links Aggar there are clicks.

 see also

Thursday, 16 April 2015

5 Websites to get $ Dollar to Upload Files

Make money the easy way is the thing that always look for everyone. But what is really important is the fact that whichever way you choose among the thousands of options available in the online market to make money. There are sites that will pay you to upload files to their servers and are very productive. In this article I will present some of the sites that you can use to rake in dollars online. Here are 5 unique site and will pay their customers a way to upload files.

Payment of each uploaded file: 50/50 from the revenue generated
You just need to write and promote, will show ads alongside your document, and you will get paid fantastic. Once you get an account on, enjoy continuous passive income, all you need is an account and upload as many files as you want and then let the rest did. The more people see your document, the more likely you are to increase advertising revenue. The payout is 50/50 and it will immediately dtransfer to your account. Use social networking to promote your documents such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogs, etc.

Payment of each uploaded file: $ 25 per 1000 downloads
Enjoy upload unlimited files, you can upload all the things in your mind such article or video. You get paid for any files that you upload either your favorite songs, ring tones, games, lectures, or whatever you have. Instead of uploading to other places that do not produce, the better you uploaded here and enjoy the payment you will get. But there is one thing that is a file that is uploaded constraints should not be more than 2GB capacity.

How to Register and Get Dollars In ADF.LY

Payment of each uploaded file: $ 1-100 for every 1000 downloads
One more site that allows you to earn money online is It is a fact that you will get a minimum menghasilan around $ 30. If the file you are downloading a lot of unique and prepare to enjoy the income. Payments are made via PayPal, Wire Transfer, Webmoney and EPESE. is a popular site online hard drive a safe distance to backup important data and you can quickly and securely share files with your friends and colleagues.

Payment of each uploaded file: $ 1 per 500 downloads
Earn money by uploading up to 2GB, but because it serves people of all ages and cultures from around the world, ensure uploaded documents do not violate any law and totally offensive. You can download as much as you can, but non-active files will not be stored for more than 60 days to users who have a free account.

Payment of each uploaded file: $ 0.20 per 1000 views image
Site helps users to upload files from your hard disk and also share them with your network of friends on social networking sites are different. Although the amounts paid to an individual will not cause that person rich, but still worth a try if compared with other platforms such as picture sharing pictu and Instagram are not paying anything out of uploading photos.

Well,Please try, well at least can earn passive income was though only slightly. Good luck!

Producing Sites Generate Dollars

Producing Sites Generate Dollars

Do You Want Dollars Coming

Some sites that generate dollars as: AdSense, 4shared,, Ziddu

Before we delve further, how we can get dollars for their services, we will first discuss one by one :

1. AdSense AdSense is an advertising partnership program through the media held by Google. Through AdSense advertising program, the owner of the website or blog that has been signed and approved for membership may put an ad units that form and material has been determined by Google in their web pages. The owner of the website or blog will get profit sharing revenue from Google for each ad clicked by visitors to the site, which is known as a pay per click (PPC) or pay per click.

In addition to providing ads with pay-per-click system, also provides a Google AdSense AdSense for search (AdSense for Search) and ad landing (Referral). In AdSense for search, web site owners can install the Google search box on their web pages. The site owner will get revenue from Google for each search conducted visitors through the search box, which continues to click on ads that are included in the search results. On referral ads, the site owner will receive income after clicking on the advertisement continues with specific actions by visitors who have agreed on between Google and advertisers.

2. 4shared4shared it is an online storage service, or shelter from the files uploaded by someone who aims to share or just to keep it. 4Shared there are two kinds of storage options that free / free and premium / paid. Files are uploaded to expire after 1 month or 30 days after they are uploaded, this storage free / free. Well this is paid the difference if you do not have to be afraid because the files uploaded will not expire and are definitely under control.
Files can be uploaded it as mp3, video, images, ebooks, documents and much more.

4shared suitable for a onliner to save the files because if one day she needed him to stay to download it, if you want to share, no download link has been provided by 4Shared.

3. Adf.lySite and ppv advertising (pay-per-visit) that can be to advertise the goods we sell, service, online stores, and other kinds of advertising positions targeted Inshallah, and can also be a means to make money $ dollars from sites that are truncated (shorten) and then visited by people who visit sites that are truncated by us. With other people who have visited the site in pendekan, will pay to shortener site.

How to Register and Get Dollars In ADF.LY

4. Ziddu : Ziddu is one of the sites that offer services or document file storage online for free. The files in question could be image files, video, audio, zip, rar and so forth. Without any restrictions or quotas of disk space from ziddu, making us more flexibility to store any file and where else. For those of you who pursue the world of blogging necessarily need free hosting because it can reduce the cost paid hosting. Ziddu is very suitable for those who are just starting out or just try blogging. In addition, for those of you who just want to store files online and can be taken at any time, ziddu is the right choice. Only by registering for free you can use the facilities there is no replaceable.

Now you already know what it means, now we will discuss how we can get dollars from their services

Please read the guidelines how to get dollars

Taking a screenshot or picture on your PC or Laptop Screen

Screenshot on PC sometimes necessary to document something. Screenshot itself is a catch-shaped image or video on a screen. This image or video can be distributed to show something, for example the speed of the Internet, the process of creating a work or other things. You can also make a screenshot as digital evidence for the crimes of others. Where that person might have been removing the evidence of social networking for example.

Taking Pictures / screenshot on the Computer Screen:
1.Coba you press the 'Print Screen SysRq' to determine whether the button on your PC or laptop to work or not?
You do this by pressing the 'Print Screen SysRq', if you do not know where the location of the button? please can see the image below:
The 'Print Screen SysRq' on PC
(This button is usually located on the top)

If pressed turns could emerge command or button that serves to make screenshot you can directly use it.
• you first determine which image will you take screenshootnya on the monitor screen, Suppose you want to take a screenshot like google profile
• Press the 'Print Screen SysRq' earlier, and then you open the 'Paint' (Start Menu> All Programs> Accessories> Paint select)
• Then press Ctrl + V on Paint,
• Then you save (File> Save As)
• Finish.
But there is also good laptop or PC that can not kebuka Program 'Print Screen SysRq' her. this is due to the possible aflikasi terdelete or default program has not been installed to the fullest.
To overcome these problems trying to install an application using a free screen capture software, one of which is Ziddu

Link Download: Ziddu
File Size: 2:34 MB
Operating System: Windows 7, Vista, and XP


Indeed Many freeware or free apps today with features that are quite reliable, and certainly very helpful for computer users who do not want to pay to have it.
The software called PrtScr this, is one of the free software that can be used to take pictures on your computer screen easily and quickly.

Ziddu is also very useful application for those of you who want to take an existing image on the screen of your computer. Whether it's a picture from the internet and display specific software you want to take pictures to be tutorial.Ziddu also can take pictures in whole or in full screen or in a particular part of the image you want to capture. Its use is quite simple, you can take an existing image on your computer screen by pressing CTRL + Prt Scr on your computer keyboard.

How to use;
- After you download the afiliaksi, you can direct to install
(Usually aflikasi after installed will automatically appear when you press CTRL + Prt Scr)
- If you want to make a Hot Key or a specific button to activate this PrtScr applications, you can set it in Settings. The resulting images can be popular image formats like JPG, BMP, and PNG. In addition, PrtScr also supports multiple monitors and can take pictures of your computer mouse cursor.
See the picture below
- If you just want to take a screenshot of the active window, hold down the 'alt' when pressing printscreen.
- Then you go straight into the paint menu select Paste or press "Ctrl and V" simultaneously.
If you want to take a screenshot of a more accurate picture, you can use the 'Snipping Tool' (Windows Vista / 7/8). usually located in the Accessories folder to look for or to open the snipping tool, click on Start and type in the search box "snipping tool" (without the quotes). The program's default windows will appear and ready to run.
The results of the Prin screen, which you made automatic typically stored in a separate folder with the name "My Screen Captures"
Here below are some additional tutorials as a complement to, if you do not understand the above explanation.

How to take a screenshot images on Windows
No need for a special application to take screenshots of the images on Windows. All you have to do is as follows:
Open an image editor, may potoshop Adobe, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, or even just Microsoft Paint.
Navigate the screen that you will capture the image into a visible screen and press the Prt Sc Scratau Prnt button located on the top right of your keyboard.
For laptops, you must press the fn key simultaneously when pressing Prt Sc. The fn button on the right of the left CTRL key under your keyboard.
After that point your focus to the image editor that you have open. In the existing worksheet, find the Paste menu to capture images of your screen will be stuck there.
You can start editing it, discard the unnecessary parts, add annotations and so forth.

How to take a screenshot images on Linux
We specialize you are using the GNOME desktop that can follow these tips. Other desktops we have not tried.
The way to do is as follows:
Navigate window you want to capture the image so that the active state.
Press Prnt Scr or Prt Sc in the top right corner.
Your screen will flash like being photographed and finished.
You do not need to open an image editor like in Windows because you can instantly get the PNG format images in the Images folder in your dalamHome. Search files with the most recent date created, and that you make screenshots. Once you find it, you can edit it using GIMP or another.

How to take a screenshot of the video
Taking a screenshot of the video is also quite easy. All you need is the right application. On the Internet there are many free applications that can be used to make screenshots. One example is 'ManyCam'. This application can record from your desktop and also from a webcam installed on your computer.

Tips above are for the Windows operating system, for Linux you do not need any other application. You only need to press Shift + Ctrl + Alt + R simultaneously until the red color of an image circle to the right under a sign that the recording is being performed. It will record all your desktop activity. To stop it, you simply press the same button until the red color picture on the bottom right is lost. You can see a video recording of your desktop in the Videos folder is in your Home. Good luck!

Thank you
Producing Sites Generate Dollars

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Work Maximizing WordPress

WordPress users to your personal blog or for business purposes? WordPress has become the choice for most beginners to businesses that use their website as a means of promotion. In addition to low prices and even free, WordPress can also be optimized easily by anyone. If not optimized then others even pencaripun machine will not assume that the content we really - really great. And here's how

see also Producing Sites Generate Dollars

1. General settings

After installing WordPress, we will go directly to the General Settings page located in the WordPress Admin dashboard. In this section we will be able to mengubat some basic configuration settings are most important to the site or our website, including:

Website Title: This is the name that will be given to your website or blog. And will be used to identify websites in the feed.
Tagline: A short phrase, sentence or slogan shows that explains our website.
WordPress address (URL): Here we will enter the full URL of the directory containing the application files
Our core WordPress, such as wp-login.php, wp-admin, wp-content and wp-includes.
Email address: This is the email address that we can use whenever WordPress should contact us. Can also when there is interaction as comments on each article, it will go in and give notification via email.
Followers: Keika we use this feature, then anyone can follow or register account to our website.
Time zone: From the pull down box select cities across time zones, where we are.
Format date and time: We need setting or customize the date and time that will appear on our website.
Week Start On: From the features list, we can choose the day of the week who want to made WordPress calendar where we started.
Language: Select the language that we want it to appear and use the dashboard.

2. Optimizing title
The title of our blog is the identification and sign for others. The title is usually the contents of our pages are in the <title> tag. This title will be recognized by the search engines when looking for a website or blog. That's why naming your blog or website should be attractive, fit and SEO.


Joost de Valk also pointed out that the title include:

Our brand name, should not only at the beginning of course, but also at the end, so that people easily recognize us in successive searches - participated.
Keywords that we consider most important for a page should be at the beginning of the title.
Which obviously have to pull that makes people be persuaded to click.

3. Install Plugin
If you want to prevent collisions site during periods of heavy traffic, so we haris install the plugin to cache. This plugin not only keep the site as it goes, but also will improve the experience of our visitors, how to increase the speed of our website. W3 Total Cache is one of the most popular and trusted as a plugin Cache.

4. Optimizing images
By optimizing the images on our website, then it will increase the speed and improve the SEO of our website. We can do this by providing an appropriate image, such as the use of keywords from our content, no longer image.jpg or Photo001.jpg. And the right size is 300 × 300. In addition, by adding ALT and title on the picture attribute.

WPExplorer can also install a plugin like ewww Image Optimizer, CW Image Optimizer and WP With this plugin will obviously be reduced load websites and SEO friendly website we are getting.

5. Do some housekeeping
Sometimes we get a comment that we do not want in the article or content on our website. If comments like that are left will obviously increase the use or the size of our databases. Since WordPress 2.9 has been no trash feature that allows us to safely remove comments, posts and pages that reduce our database space.

In addition to selecting an appropriate theme, we also can restrict jumlahj revised by adding the code define ('WP_POST_REVISIONS', 3); We can change the number 3 in accordance with what we want to wp-config.php file. In addition, we also can use a plugin like WP-DBManager or WP-Optimize to otomais remove auto-concept, comment spam or search history.

6. Schedule a backup
As long as we use WordPress, we know, and even use the schedule for our posts. So when we make today, then posting it to be published in a specified time. It turns out that in addition to making a schedule for our publications, we also can make a schedule for the backup files WordPress. So we do not lose valuable information that can regulate our website back to the starting point. We can install a plugin BackUpWordpress or Backup Schedule.

7. Tidy sidebar position
Some websites have a sidebar full of ads that feature even quite disturbing for readers. It helps us to rearrange the use of a link or menu in the sidebar. Reduce or remove unnecessary, even leaving only 2 sidebars alone and that others put on a subpage.

8. Install SEO Plugin for WordPress
Talking about websites and WordPress, then we must know how important SEO for our website. Install plugins like SEO by Yoast WordPress. While there are plugins that also helps us to improve SEO efforts by helping us choose effective keywords and write better content. In addition there is another SEO plugin that can be used, namely the All in One SEO Pack, Ultimate SEO or Google XML Sitemaps.

9. Use social media buttons
Additionally, buttons or widgets for social media is also very important, because they help visitors to enable them to share on their social media platforms. But social media widgets or buttons can also slow down your site. This is because the share button that official must make a call to an external service.

To ensure the page loads are light and can run fast, then consider using the social media buttons we have his account. Such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

10. Creating user delivery

Raelene Wilson from WPMU DEV has a different definition of a content delivery network:

A CDN is a network server, usually located in various places around the world. Cache static content of the site, such as images, CSS and Javascript.
Copyan static content from CDN our site to the server, so that when people go to our website, the static content is delivered from the server closest to him.
He suggested to use such jarngan MaxCDN, CloudFlare, Rackspace Cloud Files, and CacheFly.

11. Install Plugin AntiSpam
Comment spam we often encounter. It is not only annoying, but also can harm our website rankings. Comment spam containing a link there that are not favored by search engines like Google. To save us from spam, we can consider installing eperti Akismet antispam plugin or Antispam Bee.

12. Create a calendar for editorial
Developing a website with WordPress requires a lot of organization and management. That is why we must have an editorial calendar to help us plan and schedule our posts. One way to do this is to install the plugin Edit Flow or WPBeginner.

13. Make a list of email
Often we see a column newsletter and when we put our emails regularly then we will get an automatic email. That is called building an email list. Email list will help us to map out who our target. It is very useful to perform marketing techniques. We can use MailChimp or AWeber. After that we will integrate email subscription form to our WordPress website. WPBeginner advised to install a plugin like OptinMonster.

14. Adding a new user or author
There is a possibility we can not handle our own website or blog. And it makes us have to invite others to help us. Start of creating content, edit it to post.

You can add new users or new writers to fill in a form on a new section in the WordPress Admin page. After completing the form, make sure you choose a role for people - the people. WordPress gives us options such as Administrator, Editor, contributor, writer or subscriber. And we can provide different access for each - each user.

15. Install the plugins for performance
In addition to installing the plugin to improve the speed and performance of your website, the next is our effort to ensure that the appropriate plugins already installed and running properly. Even not memperlambar performance of our website. The trick is able to see the use of space in the CPU Plugin yatu P3 (Performance Plugin Profilter).

Content is continue to play an important role in creating a website that will be visited by many people. And 15 above tips may be helpful to optimize the performance of our WordPress website.

Thank You

Study Tips for Web Design

Web design is one of the areas of design that collects a variety of expertise in one place. It makes a lot of people get confused when I started learning web design. Should first learn programming? Or should start with a design in Photoshop? This article will discuss some tips that hopefully makes it easier to learn web design.


1. Start with Minimalist Design Study

The minimalist design is the first design style that must be mastered. In a minimalist design, you will be required to produce effective designs without the need preoccupied with the details of which are not so important. With a minimalist design master, then you actually have to run the main objective which is expected in web design that make the site work.

2. Always Starting with Mature Structure

The problem that often occurs is often the designer too preoccupied with small details such as texture, color, or font. Whereas the first important thing to consider is to plan the structure of the site. A blog has a different structure of the portfolio because it is quicker updated. Blogs company has a different style with a personal blog.

Therefore, the first step of web designing is not done in Photoshop. But, with a pencil scribbles on a piece of paper. Small details such as texture or color of the site could be decided after an important structure was obtained.

3. Always focus In Functions

Web designer is not an artist. Web designer is a designer who has the task of conveying messages through the site. So, focus on the functionality of the site instead of the ornaments and trinkets sites.

Animation is interesting. Large background image also looks nice. But, before using it ask yourself "Are the owners and visitors need it?" To understand the function in web design, make it a habit to regularly read the related article usability and user experience. Good reference you can get on Smashing Magazine and useit.

4. Follow Web Design Structure Already Baku

Perhaps you have noticed that the blog usually has a structure of two columns with sidebar on the right and the logo on the top left. This layout is used by many people because of the simple fact, succeed. Usability studies show that visitors are familiar with the sidebar on the right and on the left the contents of the blog. Visitors also naturally know that the upper left side contains the identity of the site which when clicked will bring it to the front page. If you are designing a blog, then most likely the layout is what you should use.

Web design has developed rapidly and all the standards that exist today is the result of painstaking research experts. So, do not ever assume a two-column layout design or text in black and white as dull. Feel free to use it just because others use it as well.

5. Note the Current Web Design Trends

As with other types of design, web design also has its own trend. For example, the current trend is the widespread use of texture is soft (subtle). You can obtain information current trends with regard reputable websites design, website designer portfolio sort Dribbble, or through popular designs in the marketplace as Themeforest.

6. Master Software Used

One thing to understand is that you do not have to master all the technical aspects of web designing. It could be a web designer can simply clever Photoshop without the slightest CSS or otherwise. This deficiency can be addressed by looking for other partners who have different skills with you.

You also do not need to question the software used in the design. Most designers chose Photoshop and some chose Fireworks. Please select the software that you like and be over in earnest.

One thing to understand is that you do not have to master all the technical aspects of web designing. It could be a web designer can simply clever Photoshop without the slightest CSS or otherwise.

7. Learn the Basics Typography

Web typography is a very important detail area, but often overlooked. Typography plays an important role as bridging the message from the owner of the site to visitors.

Note also that the typography in web design is different from the design in other mediums. The text on the website can appear in different browsers with different font combinations. Therefore, use your time to study the combination of fonts and setting a relatively useful in all conditions.

8. Do not Forget Whitespace

Whitespace is a blank area which gives breathing space for visitors to the site. Whitespace provide space for visitors to focus on specific areas and also provide a logical structure to the look of the site. Without whitespace, the site will look too full and confuse visitors.

Thank You

About Web Browsers

Web Browser is a software program used to explore the internet or to seek information from the web which is stored in the computer. Initially, the text-oriented web browser and can not display the image. However, the web browser is now not only display images and text, but also play multimedia files such as video and sound. Web browsers can also send and receive emails, manage HTML, as input and creating web pages as output results are informative.

Using a web browser, Internet users can access a variety of information found on the internet with ease. Some examples of web browsers including Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Firefox, Safari, Opera, etc. Things to know in the search for an understanding of the structure of information is a function of the Web browser:

Definition and basic types of web

Web Browser function is to display and interact with documents has been provided by the web server.

Type in the Web browser:

> Mozilla Firefox - the link, which is made by the corporation mozilla, firefox is one of the open source web browser built on the Gecko layout engine. Not only reliable firefox also supported by a number of add-ons that can be installed separately which allows users to perform in accordance with the objectives Add-ons.

> Internet Exporer - links, ie web browsers Microsoft Corporation commonly known as short-IE, IE started since 1995 in the input as Sotware default during the installation of Windows Operating System, as of this writing has just released a new version of IE IE8.

> Safari - Link, namely Created by Apple Inc., the company that also produces Macintosh computers, the iPod, and iPhone. built with WebKit browser engine, WebKit browser engine also is the first to pass the Acid3 test.

> Flock - Link, namely adalab Flock web browser built on Mozilla code frefox specializing in web browsers to provide social networking and Web 2.0. Flock is designed to facilitate online activities of Internet users organize some social networking, web mail, news feeds and blogs that they have. Using Flock they can explore, share, and enjoy the content on the site friendships and relationships they want.

> Opera - link, which was developed by the company Opera Software Opera is a web browser and Internet suite. If you have Firefox Add-ons, Opera has "Widgets Opera", a small Web applications that run in conjunction with Opera that have a specific purpose, such as the Firefox Add-ons.

> K-Meleon-link, K-Meleon is a browser for free and open-source released under the GNU General Public License and runs diplatform Microsoft Windows (Win32) operating systems. Built on the Gecko layout engine, the same engine layout as used Mozilla Firefox.

> SeaMonkey-link, ie SeaMonkey is a community project to create an application suite SeaMonkey all-in-one internet, web address, for example Address can be interpreted as follows:

> Camino - Link, the Camino is an open source web browser developed by focusing on providing the best experience for users of Mac OS X. Camino combines visual simple, elegant and presents a marvelous experience which became the philosophy of the Macintosh with the Gecko layout engine which is powerful.

> Konqueror - link, which Konqueror is a web browser, file manager, etc. Konqueror file viewer that can give you explore the files on your computer or remotely to other computers, also there are a few more that I did not mention (this is just an example)
Konqueror Supported protocols:

  • FTP and SFTP / SSH browser
  • SAMBA browser (Microsoft's file-sharing)
  • Browser 3. HTTP
  • IMAP mail client
  • ISO (CD image) viewer
  • VNC viewerpengelola handle web sites on the internet.

- Set a term called regions (domains), which is the name for a website digunakansecara institution.

- Com, is the last of a domain name, it usually indicates areas of business web sites concerned. To install this Konqueror you have to install KDE terlebihdahulu. KDE Desktop Environment in the family is unix, if you are a windows user telebih first install KDE. There are many other web browsers available on the internet, back to you for everyday use Internet browsing and install add-ons or widgets to get a different experience when surfing. Web browsers do not only look beautiful but there is also a web browser that can talk, follow his review here tremendous web browser for users made remarkable.

thank you

Definition and basic types of web

Understanding the website . . . . . .

Further Understanding of the website, the website represents a set of web pages that have been in governance, which contain text, images and all kinds of multi-media files which are presented to the attention of Internet users denagan aesthetic and accessible way. All websites are activated via the Internet called the World Wide Web (WWW). The data contained in this website is compiled and made accessible to the public online with the help of a programming language such as (X) HTML and PHP, just to name a few. Programming a website is the main method to define the structure of a website and manage actions in dealing with visitors who browse pages. With the ability of web design techniques, the information will be structured and look to be more friendly. So that web pages can be presented on the monitor visitors, we need hosting on the web server, which then they transfer to a web browser via HTTP, the main protocol of the WWW can be seen at the beginning of each address of the site.

Visitors to the website

Visitors can access a particular website simply by typing the name in the address bar of a web browser mereka.Nama website created by the owner and with a catchy name is a combination of letters and numbers, more popular as a domain name or sub-domain. When you visit a website, you just use the site's domain name, the Domain Name System (DNS) take care and put the domain in a particular web hosting server. Depending on the purpose in dirikannya, the website can be owned and managed by individuals, organizations or companies.

Elements Website

Tremendous advances in technology website creation and unlimited capabilities of the human imagination has created sites that we see today on the web. However, they all contain some basic elements that make them easily recognizable by the user in terms of functionality - home page (also known as the index page), the first page we see when entering a site, a navigation menu - the ultimate guide to the content of the website; footer area with important links, copyright information, etc. With the help of hyperlinks visitors can search one of the web pages of other sites by means of logic-driven, which greatly improves the usability of your website.

Definition of static and dynamic Websites

Creative concept and the software behind a website determines whether static or dynamic. static website presents information online to visitors directly - as they are stored on the server. A good example of a static website every simple company website provides details about the portfolio companies, contacts, future projects, dll.Pengaturannya websites usually require some skill and knowledge of HTML and CSS. Dynamic website, in turn, uses a database to store and handle information, which allows the content of web pages' will be changed automatically in case of a pre-specified. A dynamic website, for example, every blog, portal, or e-commerce store you can visit every day. List of software longer dynamic websites, including - PHP, JSP, Perl, ASP, and more.

Understanding PHP Website

PHP is one of the most popular tools for website creation. Scripting language is easy to learn and provide PHP users are likely to create a website and also provide advanced facilities. PHP websites are the majority of today's personal website. PHP is also a scripting language of choice for most forums, blogs or popular e-commerce site. It is also easily combined with a database, such as MySQL and PostgreSQL, which allows for data to be stored and organized in a way that is easily accessible.

Understanding the website with NTC Hosting

NTC Hosting established for one purpose - to provide affordable web hosting, offers and gives users all the tools necessary to create their own websites quickly and easily. With every NTC hosting plan every user can use the installer script, we can install many popular php scripts in under a minute.

Type blog or static website:

How to Create a Blog on Blogger

is where you make free pages that are related to one another by a web HTML editor (or WYSIWYG) .In this way first of all people build a website.Karena difficulties experienced by many the founder of the website, eventually experts create dynamic websites. In my opinion, this type of static websites have become obsolete, unless you only have a few pages. With plenty of content management systems, or commonly called free CMS available, it is easier for beginners to create a website without any knowledge of coding at all.

Type blog or dynamic website is usually a website that connects to the database so you can easily store and interesting information in a way that is organized and structured. WordPress and Joomla is a dynamic website. Most of the information that you add to your WordPress or Joomla administrator area will be stored in the database and will be populated on the frontend of your site - automatically.

Now under the main category of a static or dynamic website there is a more specific type of website that can be made. When reviewing this list, make note that your future site can be a combination of several types.

The types of websites that are more specific are as follows ...


Type Site

Affiliation: A site where you post links to products and services that you recommend and when a visitor clicks on a link or purchase products website owner you will receive a commission. Example sites affiliated agencies: Commission Junction, ClickBank, eJunkie, etc.

Archive site: This site type is used to store older information about a particular topic, intended for research or entertainment .. Two examples are the Internet Archive and the Way Back Machine, a second copy of storing the entire website current and previous.

Blog (or weblog) site: The site is generally used to post online diaries which may include discussion or forum. Blogs have evolved over the years to do more than post your random thoughts .. blogging system that you choose can be modified and used for all types of websites in this list. Examples blog site is WordPress, Movable Type and Blogger

Company or Business site: Used to provide background information about an organization, business, or service. Examples of the company's website is General Motors, General Electric, and PepsiCo.

Commerce site or eCommerce site: To purchase a good or service such as Amazon, Walmart or Target. More detailed read in the pages of e-commerce

Community site (social network): A site where people with similar interests communicate with each other, usually by chat or message boards.

Database site: A site whose primary purpose is to seek to show store data such as the Internet Move Database or the Political Graveyard.

Development of site: A site where information and resources are provided to subjects related to software development, web design and programming.

Directory site: A site that lists information organized into categories and subcategories and directories such as Yahoo, Google Directory and Open Directory Project.

Download site: Strictly used for downloading electronic content such as software, games, demos and desktop wallpaper. Examples Tucows website and ZDNet.

Site work: Allows employers to post job advertisements for positions so that the prospective employee may apply. Examples of job sites are Monster, HotJobs and CareerBuilder.

Erotica site: video displays of sexual and pornographic image content. Sorry, I did not post any example for this.

Humor site: The main purpose of the site is too entertaining and entertaining. Example

Site Information: Contains content that is intended to inform visitors, but not necessarily for commercial purposes. Most governments, educational institutions and no-profit site has information.

Intranet site: A site created for a group of employees who work for a particular company Intranet can only be seen by employees currently working there and usually save internal project information and events company.

Mirror site: A complete reproduction of a website.

Site News: Similar to an information site, but dedicated to dispensing news and commentary. Such as CNN, the New York Post and Fox 5.

Personal homepage: Run by individuals or small groups (like the family) that contains information or content that people want to enter.

Phish site: A website created for the scam and obtain sensitive information, such as passwords and credit card details, by masquerading as a trustworthy person or business (such as the Social Security Administration, PayPal) in an electronic communication.

Political site: A site where someone might post about political views. Sort Huffington Post.

Pornography (porn) site: A site that shows pornographic images and videos. No contoh.maaf ...

Rating site: A site where people can praise or disparage a product, place or service.

Review Site: A site where people can post reviews for products or services.

Search Engine site: A site that provides general information and is intended as a gateway or search for other sites Some examples are Google, Yahoo and Bing.

Warez: A site filled with illegal software and other electronic media for download.

Web portal: A site that provides a starting point or a gateway to other resources on the Internet or intranet.

Wiki site: A site that users co-edit the information to serve as an online resource. Such as Wikipedia.

understanding the meaning and intent of the www (World Wide Web):

is a network of interconnected computers for the purpose of sharing information electronically. Although there are so many different computer exists, there is some sort of rules or standards to join, if no communication will be difficult. Just as English is the common language used between people from different countries, where most people understand and use it to communicate and gain something. There is a detailed explanation or rather technical explanation of the internet in wikipedia if you are interested to have a detailed understanding and internet history.

There are some standard communication protocols in use on the Internet, you may have heard technical words such as http, ftp, smtp, pop etc. used by technicians and internet users, this is actually a common language or communication standard for different tasks which is used to connect between computers on the Internet to be able to communicate with each other. By the standards of communication, we can use things browser for browsing the web links web pages, FTP client to upload the files downloaded from the Internet, e-mail client to send and receive email messages with ease.

So how does the WWW work?

On interconnected computer, basically we can classify some of them as a web server, and some as a web client, web client (the computer with a web browser such as Internet Explorer or Firefox, etc.) usually have a request (web pages) from the internet, and a web server (web server is Linux, Windows web server) will send the requested web page to the web client if the web server that stores web pages.

So how does the computer know each other?

How does the computer know which one?
Well, every computer connected already have an identity that is called an IP address (ie, the IP address as an international passport number and the unique, web client and server use this identity as a basis to identify each other.

So how can I memorize all these numbers?

This is why the domain name (example are made to be easily memorized, the domain name is basically a form that is easier to read man of addresses, each domain name is unique and can be a map to one or more IP addresses. When people try to open a web page, rather than enter the IP address of the web client, the domain name can be used as a substitute and no special computer called a domain name server that stores the information domain name that points to any IP address, and domain name server is there for help serve directional information to the web server and the client's right.

understanding DNS webmail Smtp Pop3 Imap:

Understanding POP3

Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) is a standard mail protocol used to receive mail from a remote server to a local email client. POP3 allows you to download email messages on your local computer and read them even when you're offline.

Understanding IMAP

Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is a mail protocol used to access email on a remote web server from a local client. IMAP and POP3 are the two most common Internet mail protocol used to retrieve email. Both protocols are supported by all modern email clients and web servers.

The difference between IMAP and POP3:

POP3 protocol assumes that there is only one client connected to the mailbox. In contrast, the IMAP protocol allows simultaneous access by multiple clients. IMAP is suitable for you if your mailbox is about to be managed by multiple users.

Understanding SMTP

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is the standard protocol for sending e-mail on the Internet. SMTP uses TCP port 25 or 2525 and sometimes you can have problems to send your message if your ISP has closed port 25.

Understanding DNS (NS, A, MX, CNAME, SPF)

The domain name has a DNS zone which consists of the following records:

NS - specifies that the DNS servers for the domain;

A - specify the IP address corresponding to the domain and its subdomains;

MX - determine which e-mail for your domain to be delivered;

CNAME - determine the transfer of the domain subdomain us to another domain / subdomain;

SPF - Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is an attempt to control the fake e-mail.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

often considered a blog or web marketing techniques. SEO is sometimes also called SEO copyrighting because most of the techniques used to promote sites in search engines deal with text. In general, the notion of SEO can be defined as the activity of optimizing Web pages or blogs as a whole to make them more search engine-friendly, thus getting higher positions in search results.

One of the basic techniques of SEO is that even if you do all the things that need to be done, this does not automatically guarantee you top ratings but if you neglect basic rules, then your blog will not be noticed.

Although SEO helps to increase the traffic to one's site, but SEO is not iklan.Walaupun you can be included in the search results by paying for certain keywords but basically the idea behind the basic techniques of SEO is to get the top position not because you pay.

SEO can be a 30-minute job or a permanent activity. Sometimes it is enough to do some generic SEO to get high rankings in search engine.Jika you plan to do some basic SEO techniques, it is important to understand how search engines work and what things are most important in SEO.

1. How Search Engines Work

Unlike humans, search engines are text-driven. Although technology advances rapidly, search engines are far from intelligent creatures that can feel the beauty of the design blog Conversely, search engines crawl the web, look at a particular site items (mainly text) to get the contents of each site. A brief explanation is not the most precise because as we will see next, search engines perform several activities in order to deliver search results - crawling, indexing, processing, calculating relevancy, and retrieving.

First, search engines crawl the Web to see what is there. This task is performed by some of the software, called a crawler or a spider (or Googlebot, as is the case with Google). Spiders follow links from one page to another, it is impossible for a spider to visit the site every day just to see if a new page has appeared or if an existing page has been modified. Sometimes crawlers will not visit your site for a month or two, so during this time your SEO efforts will not dihargai.Pada moment just as it is, we can only wait.

After a page is crawled, the next step is to index its content. Indexed pages stored in a giant database, which then one day in tampilkan.jika you help them by optimizing it, it will be easier for them to classify your pages correctly and to get higher rankings.

When a search request, the search engine processes it - ie it compares the search string in the search request with the indexed pages in the database. Because there is a possibility that more than one pages (practically it is millions of pages) contains the search string, the search engine starts calculating the relevancy of each page in the index for the search string.

There are various algorithms to calculate relevancy. Each of these algorithms has different relative weights for common factors like keyword density, links, or metatags. That is why different search engines provide search results pages for the same string but different results. Moreover, it is known that all major search engines, such as Yahoo, Google, MSN, etc. periodically change their algorithms and if you want to stay at the top, you also need to adjust your pages to the latest changes.

2. Differences Between Each Search Engine

I have read about the Bing algorithm just the opposite of Google.Mungkin well, the point is that each search engine has different things and if you are planning to conquer one of them, you need to carefully optimize your site.

There are many examples of the differences between search engines. For example, for Yahoo! and Bing, the keyword on the page factors are most important, while for Google baclink very important.

Also, that Google assess your blog or web like coconuts - the older the site, the more in utamakan.sedangkan Yahoo does not have a domain considerations older the better.

Understanding the meaning of social networking

Understanding social networking is the grouping of individuals into specific groups, like small rural communities or a neighborhood subdivision, if you want. I will discuss how to create a facebook social jejarinng selanjutnya.Meskipun article on social networking is possible in person, especially in the workplace, universities, and high schools. This is because unlike most high schools, colleges, or workplaces, the internet is filled with millions of people looking to meet others, to gather and share information and experience first hand about cooking, golf, gardening, develop friendships or professional alliances , looking for a job, a business-to-business marketing and even groups to share information about the affair, he..he..he .. Topics and interests are very diverse and rich story of our world.

When it comes to online social networking, websites are commonly used. These websites are known as social sites. Social networking websites function like an online community of internet users. Depending on the website, many of these online community members share a common interest in hobbies, religion, or politics. Once you are granted access to social networking sites you can begin to socialize. This socialization may include reading the profile pages of other members and possibly even contacting them.

Friends that you can make just one of the many benefits to social networking online. Another one of the benefits includes diversity because the internet gives individuals from all over the world access to social networking sites. This means that even if you are in Mojoagung, you could develop an online friendship with someone in Denmark or India. Not only will you make new friends, but you just might learn a thing or two about new cultures or new languages ​​and learning is always a good thing.

As mentioned, social networking often involves grouping specific individuals or organizations together. While there are several social networking sites that focus on specific interests, there are others who do not. Website without primary focus is often referred to as "traditional" social networking sites and usually have open membership. This means that anyone can become a member, no matter what their hobbies, beliefs, or views are. However, once you are inside this online community, you can begin to create your own network of friends and eliminate members who do not share a common interest or goal.

Buddies should be aware, there are dangers associated with social networking including data theft and viruses, which increases including infidelity. The most common danger though often involve online predators or individuals who claim to be someone else. Although there is no danger to the online network, consequently arise in the world. Just as you suggested when meeting strangers at clubs and bars, school, or work - you are also advised to proceed with caution online.

By being aware of your cyber-environment, and who you talk to, you should be able to safely enjoy the online social networking. It will take a lot of conversation exceeds the phone to get to know someone, but it will not be able to make a clear judgment until you can meet each other in person. Just use common sense and listen to your inner voice, it will tell you when something does not feel right about the online conversations berlangsung.Ini should be aware of.

After informed and comfortable with the findings pal, buddy buddy can start searching from hundreds of people to join the network. This can easily be done by performing a standard internet search. Search you will likely receive a number of results, including MySpace, FriendWise, FriendFinder, Yahoo! 360, Facebook, Orkut, and Jl.


is the term for all types of business, or commercial transaction, which involves the transfer of information on the Internet. It includes a variety of different types of businesses, from consumer based retail sites, through auction or music sites, to business exchanges trading goods and services between companies. Currently one of the most important aspects of the rise of the internet.

E-commerce allows consumers to electronically exchange goods and services with no barriers of time or distance. Electronic commerce has grown exponentially over the past five years and is predicted to continue growing rapidly. In the near future the boundaries between business commerce "conventional" and "electronic" will become increasingly blurred as more and more moving parts of their operations to the Internet.

Business to Business or B2B refers to electronic commerce between businesses rather than between businesses and consumers. B2B businesses often deal with hundreds or even thousands of other businesses, either as customers or suppliers. This electronic transaction provides substantial competitive advantage compared to traditional methods. When implemented properly, e-commerce is often faster, cheaper and easier than traditional methods of bartering goods and services.

Electronic Transaction has been around for some time in the form of Electronic Data Interchange or EDI. EDI requires each supplier and customer to make a special data link (between them), where e-commerce provides a cost-effective method for companies to set up multiple, ad-hoc link. Electronic commerce also led to the development of an electronic market where suppliers and potential customers are brought together for a mutually beneficial trade.

The road to creating a successful online store website can be difficult if not aware of the principles of e-commerce and e-commerce what should be done for your online business. Researching and understanding the guidelines required to properly implement e-business plan is an important part of being successful with building an online store.

What do you need to have an online store and what exactly is a shopping cart?

Shopping cart software is the operating system that is used to enable consumers to purchase goods and or services, track customers, and tie together all aspects of e-commerce into one cohesive whole.

Although there are many types of software that you can use, customizable, turnkey solution proved to be a cost effective method to build, edit and maintain an online store. How online shopping cart different from those found in grocery stores? Image is one of the invisible shopping cart. You enter an online store website, view the product that meets your needs and you put into your virtual shopping cart. When you are through browsing, you click checkout and complete the transaction by providing payment information.

To start an online business it is best to find a niche product that consumers have difficulty finding in malls or department stores. Also take into consideration delivery. discovered the hard way: dog food that is expensive to ship FedEx! Then you need an e-commerce enabled website. It could be a new website developed from scratch, or existing sites that you can add the ability to e-commerce shopping cart.

The next step, you need tools to accept payments online. It usually requires getting a merchant account and accept credit cards through an online payment gateway (some smaller sites stick with simple methods like PayPal accepts payments).

Finally, you need a marketing strategy to drive targeted traffic to your site and the means to attract repeat customers. If you are new to e-commerce keep things simple-to know your limitations.

E-commerce can be a very rewarding business, but you can not make money overnight. It is important to do a lot of research, ask questions, work hard and make business decisions on facts learned from the research of e-commerce.

Thank you for reading this article

Monday, 13 April 2015

Changing icon wordpress into our picture (avatar)

First go to "My Dashboard" You Go to the menu "settings" in the left menu navigator, .. at the bottom

  1. In open, select the "general" lau in CLICK !!
  2. Then clay empty box to the right of that is his "Blog Picture / Icon"
  3. You found it yet ??
  4. Select Browse.
  5. Select the directory where you save the photo.
  6. Select the photo you want.
  7. Select "Uploade Image"
  8. If the image size is too large it will display "Uploade Crop Image"
  9. Cut your picture, then click the "Crop Image" at the bottom.
  10. Already deh so, try to visit the site .. temen2, .. icon succeeded in ganti..mudah right ??

Good luck !!

Creating a WordPress Theme

Creating a WordPress Theme

Is it difficult to build a WordPress Theme?

Actually, to build a wordpress theme that is not too difficult if you really have a strong desire to make a wordpress theme itself. Provision to make a wordpress theme is not much different from blogspot, you only need a couple of the following provisions.
  1. Desire
  2. Understand the HTML language
  3. Understand CSS
  4. Little understood PHP
  5. Knowing some default code wordpress
  6. Understand the full HTML structur.
Dictionary Language in the Internet

With the provision of the above, I hope you've been able to make a wordpress theme your own. To be honest I also only know a bit of PHP, but if you frequently write the language you will understand and memorize the structure and the PHP code. The conclusion to build a wordpress theme is not too difficult.

The difference with Blogspot?
Previous already mentioned that building a wordpress theme is not too different from blogspot. Well, then what are the differences between degan blogspot wordpress theme. In my opinion, wordpress theme is easy to modify as desired rather than blogspot maker. Since the start of the structure of the title, the content is the author's own and others that determine what kind of structure.

The analogy that the IOS operating system as a template blogspot and Android as wordpress theme. Easier to modify your android with some custom rom and other than iOS is already very complex.

How to Create a WordPress Theme?
Well maybe this answers your most awaited right? I'm not going to explain everything from beginning to end. To create a wordpress theme itself you certainly need to have a stock that has been mentioned previously. Well physical supplies you need to have that

  • Latest Wordpress
  • Localhost (xampp / other)
  • Laptop / computer
  • Mouse

With the provision of the above physical you can already make a wordpress template itself. Well, unlike blogspot, wordpress has some extension (php files in the theme) What are the important files? Here as an example that I created.

Make Your Own WordPress Theme

Seen in the picture above, wordpress theme complex consists of the following files

  • Comments.php: Contains special coding to form comments
  • Footer.php: To create a footer and usually contains the suffix HTML tag (</ HTML>)
  • Functions.php: Usually to re-register a widget in wordpress theme
  • Header.php: Usually contains an HTML tag prefix and tag HEAD
  • Index.php: To build a homepage / index / initial page of the site
  • Page.php: As the page
  • Screenshot.php: To display a screenshot theme in theme editor
  • Sidebar.php: contains code that is important in a sidebar
  • Single.php: As the article page
  • Style.css: Contains the CSS code and information wordpress themes

That's just my experience in making a wordpress theme, for those of you who would like to ask please ask widget located on the sidebar of this blog.


This time we will learn to create a website at How to make a website / web blog at less similar in a way to create a website / web blog on Blogger. itself also provides Indonesian version of WordPress, so it seems there is no difficulty whatsoever to create a website at Then what is the advantage of WordPress so this time we give a note to create a website on Okay, we started to just discuss one-on-one.

You certainly know SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is not ??? Well if you do not know need to read at a glance about SEO and optimization of websites that traffic web / blog increases. But if you create a website on your no longer need to think about SEO, keyword optimization you enough alone. LHA how come? Because at, SEO was already optimized by default WordPress CMS itself. So ... we live post and optimization of bit. Well ... you so want to just have a blog in wordpress ... Yukk we see the guide to create a website in the following

  • Please enter at, and click Sign Up now
  • Fill out the form available such as username, password, email address etc. and then click next
  • Blog content is also Domain, blog title, etc. to your liking. When finished click signup
  • after the show finished your profile update page. You can update your profile or not. If it is, please check your verification email sent by wordpress. If you mistakenly write down your email address, please update your email at the bottom of the page.
  • Well after all you do, now you already have a website on Your next task is to update and fill your website

To edit or post on your website, you have to go to the admin first. Have you entered in the address Then enter your username and password. Now there will be visible tools-tools in wordpress. Keep on how to use it? Let us continue the Guide to Creating a Website on

  • Posts: used to post a new article or edit old posts in wordpress
  • Media: used to upload images in wordpress that we want to use, or want us to show.
  • Links: contains other links or other web addresses
  • Pages: contains a menu or a specific page that you want to show
  • Views: here you can change the template or wordpress theme fit your choosen. You can also change the image by clicking on custom headers or add other components by clicking the widget.
  • Settings: Here you can set your web settings, title, language etc.

Well that was a bit of a brief description of the Guide to Creating a Website at .. If it is still not clear.

How to Create a Blog on Blogger


Thank you

Free and Paid Website

Why and what is the difference actually free website with paid?

From the beginning we already know that a free website that is a website created without spending a penny without even bothered with the technical affairs management, while the paid website is a website created by a special fee even sometimes not quite cheap because it uses prefesional services in the field of website. Pay website requires more knowledge in the technical management. Let's look at a wide difference between the two types of this website:

Free Website
Some things you should know if you have free website is:
Free website provided by the company which is engaged in the Internet such as:, (Google),,,, ,
To have a free website you just need email capital and general knowledge of how to use the browser as well as ways to fill in the registration form

After registering you can have a web address as desired under the main domain address such as or
You are given the facility to manage the display instantly, and provided space for writing articles or information you want to publish the internet.

You are given unlimited storage space, with the terms and conditions specified by the supplier
Your site comes with many excellent features that can be used to simplify the management and monitoring of the development of the internet publication as well as the facility to communicate with visitors.
Your web pages will be automatically indexed by search engines ter although sometimes a little longer.
Basically, if your goal is only to publish articles, products and images, and are not too important to you, this service is ideal free website be an option.

You need to know and be aware if you have a free website is:
Your website provider depends on company policy, which means that if one of these services must be paid for melanjutkanya then you must follow these rules.
If your website is erased, deleted or lost, altered or changed, you can not sue anybody.
Your website could be considered less serious because it uses free
You do not have the right to know in depth what happens to the information that you store in the free website
For business purposes or to build corporate image and institutions, the website of this type is not recommended because it does not meet the criteria.

Paid Website
There are some differences that might make you think positive that indeed been paid would be more ideal if you seriously want to have a website, what are they?
You have to pay for a subscription website address (domain) and hosting (storage)
You will have as desired domain eg or with many other options like .org, .net, .info,, etc.

You will have your own email domain corresponding eg
You can choose the type of application any web manager (CMS - Conten Management System) that you like and are already available in hosting. Surely this will be used for many purposes such as company profiles, online stores, community etc.
You have full access to manage files, emails, databases, images and everything that exists in the website although no specific restrictions such as restrictions on the use of storage space and the amount of data traffic (bandwidth).
For this type of website managers should know the technical stuff such as Upload file hosting management, server configuration, installation of software (CMS), web optimalisai (SEO - Search Engine Optimization), to these terms in the web etc.

You are provided a file backup and restore facilities if a time damage or faults with your website.
You can sue the hosting provider in case of damage or no service that does not fit with what you have paid.

Of course, with the use of paid services you can build a business and image of the company or organization better.
If you want to be more serious in building a website, utilizing websites for businesses, providing public services, official information media company or institution, more I suggest using a paid website.

learn to create a blog

Hope it is useful


All who do blogging want to get more visitors to their blogs. But only a small fraction of those who are aware of this blogging how to get traffic to their blog.

Now I want to share some basic ideas which can be used to increase the visitors who come to your web page. But before we delve further you need to know what your motivation to get a lot of visitors?

Many visitors do not guarantee the motivation you get visitors that will come true. As an example; many websites online stores that buy traffic services to make their websites crowded. If The motivation is to find a buyer, then this is the wrong method.

Visitors who come from very little traffic services that turn into buyers. So you can vain to pay for the traffic services .... Hopefully at this point you understand that what you want is not just a blog that crowded, but also blogs that provide income to you.

Let us discuss them one by one way to get traffic to your blog

Method 1: Getting traffic from the Great Visits Traffic Services
If your intention to use the services of traffic just to show that your blog is crowded to others, then this could be done. But if you expect visitors coming from traffic services is willing to do what you want as clicking on ads or buy products, then I can say "Do not get your hopes up".
visitor traffic drop after the service ended
visitor traffic drop after the service ended
For me personally use the services of the traffic itself only spend money for something that is not useful. And not only that; surge in visitor traffic from services like this can mess up our observations on the actual SEO indicator. So I put this comes out on top, so that the friend immediately eliminate this option from head

Method 2: Getting Many Visits From Advertise
If you have the funds to traffic, it is better then the funds used for advertising services on the Internet compared to hire the services of traffic. Until now the most ideal advertising services are still held by adwords and facebook.

Why is ideal both as a means to advertise? Because these are the two most widely advertising services provide traffic and conversions pretty good. This is what distinguishes advertising services and traffic services; for service advertisement is clicked by people who are interested in visual or narrative of ads that you post.
advertising design examples that can be tried on facebook
advertising design examples that can be tried on facebook

Because here we rely on visual and narrative interest, then it needs to pay attention to the selection of the title, image and description of ads that you want to install. If you choose the wrong title, or image, or explanation, it is possible that your ad will not be interesting. So see to it that you choose a title that makes people curious to click on ads.

Method 3: Getting Visitors Many of the comments in the Forum The Crowded
Currently there are a lot of great forum and have a lot of threads that get abundant visit. You can get a lot of traffic if you commented on pages that are relevant to your content. By the time you can leave the comment you on the comments link
comments on the forums to get visitors
examples of the comments on the forums who happened DoFollow

If the link on the page that dofollow forum, then it will be an added advantage for you, because links from relevant pages will be helpful ranking in search engines like Google.

It's just that there are two things you need to understand here. First, a comment that should provide the necessary solutions. So you can say like this "too long if you want discussed here. If you want a fairly complete source discussion can try to read at the following link ....".

Secondly, you can not expect your blog immediately crowded if only rely on one or two comments only. Build traffic with this method is quite time consuming. Maybe you should hang around for months from forum to forum and from thread to thread before you can see the amount of traffic that is tolerable.

Or if you are strong, you can open yourself some threads in several forums and become caregivers thread .... The longer the response to threadnya, the more the potential traffic you get.

Method 4: Getting visitors to capture the popularity of the Internet on social media
We have had a lot of bloggers who looked at social media as a means of getting traffic are abundant. Call it the three most popular social media today, such as youtube, facebook, and twitter. Everything gives you a good opportunity to get traffic overflow.

Attract more visitors from youtube
youtube video sample with millions of views
youtube video sample with millions of views
Today more and more people are making videos to promote their products page or on youtube. Why YouTube is becoming increasingly popular? There are several reasons, namely:
Youtube easier optimized from the blog page, so to optimize youtube page you can expect visitors from the youtube page
Youtube always recommend relevant videos are popular, so you have chance to get visitors from other people's videos
Youtube also has a popular video features. Those who made it into the ranks of the popular video within which there will be a rising increase visitors many fold.

Attract more visitors from facebook
If you previously had been discussed that you can create a facebook ad, so this time you can do so by creating a fan page. This will create a fan page you have quite a lot of fans, because unlike the normal accounts are limited in increasing the number of friends.
example facebook fanpage with millions like
example facebook fanpage with millions like

But on the other hand you have to know that collect like the fanpage was not as easy as you think. The easiest way is to advertise your fanpage on facebook. So beriklannya only once, and then you can promote many times to all accounts that give like on the fanpage. From here you will get a lot of traffic from facebook.

For those of you who do not want to spend money, you can try to make as many personal accounts. For example, by making a 100 account; you will likely have 500,000 different friends. If you post a link, it will be pretty much the look of your posts and the possibility of clicking on it will be good enough if you give a picture and an interesting title.

Get great traffic from twitter
Huge visitor traffic can often be gained by those who have a great follower. But not just any follower follower. If you wear a follower of different languages ​​and also different interests of the theme of your blog, then they will not respond twiteran brother.
twitter accounts with a large number of followers
Twitter with a large number of followers who can bring a lot of visitors

So please googling and learn how to tap follower of the accounts that have a theme or discussion that is relevant to the content of your blog / website brothers. If you succeed, then you will see that it can also bring great blog visitor traffic.

Method 5: Getting visitor traffic by relying on SEO
In doing SEO optimization there are three classification techniques, namely black hat, gray hat, and white hat. Each technique has its own method and of course each has its advantages and disadvantages. So following the explanations ...

Black hat SEO a.k.a Webspam

Best selling method to generate traffic from blackhat SEO is AGC, or auto generated content. This method utilizes the "gentleness" of Google. Where the same content will not be thrown away but can get a little visitor. For example, the original content get 100 visits per day for the content, then the content thieves can get 1-10 calls per day for the same content that is stolen.

The term here used to steal them and generating the content without asking permission of the author. If the offender AGC does get permission, the term does not apply content thieves. Although they put up a link source, they remain a thief if not ask for permission. They still have to ask ... what blog owners pleased if they credit the source.

How they take advantage of "meekness" google that? Here's the logic, if they could get 1-10 visits per month from AGC's blog for every article, then they only need to steal 10,000 articles to produce 10,000 to 100,000 visits per month. So as a beginner do not be surprised to see there are blogs that traffic soared to tens of thousands less than a month.

I personally do not like this method as such has no ethics. Looking menilap advantage with the hard work of fellow bloggers. Imagine if there were 10-100 menilap blog traffic from the original author earlier, the traffic can be discharged original author. Not to mention if the thief stronger SEO, then the thief will be indexed first of its victims.

You will often find the owner of this web content such as stylish thief in social media as if they were a genius in terms of SEO and generate traffic. When in fact there is no element of genius in this technique, because this technique is mediocre. Required to perform this technique is not a genius, but personality is not ethical. That is all ...

The weakness of this technique is that it is very likely removed by blogspot, because blogspot will not allow people to wear their resources recklessly if they break the rules. So when you have huge traffic, then your blog will get the spotlight to assess whether the blog you abide by the rules of the use of their services.

Due to the elimination of this problem, many of which end up trying to use the website hosted its own, but it also will result in them having to pay hosting is not small because the amount of traffic. So they must ensure incomenya greater than the costs. But still it does not make them completely safe because no such thing as a penalty banned.

You also can accelerate ban on the web like this if you collect web data anyone who hijacked content

So in general they make tens or even hundreds of blogs AGC; because each blog is intended for short-term goals.

So it's been quite a lot of methods that you read here. Hopefully you can begin to see that SEO is not the only way to get traffic to your website.

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Hope it is useful

Meaning and Benefits Alexa Traffic Rank

Alexa Rank

Alexa Traffic Rank is a service to know the rank or position of a site on the Internet yangg developed by Alexa Internet. Alexa Internet is an internet service company owned founded in 1996 by Brewster Kahle and Bruce Gilliat. Alexa name chosen as a tribute to the Library of Alexandria.

To determine the Alexa Traffic Rank, Alexa Internet using search engine robots such as Google, Yahoo or other search engines. Alexa crawler (robot), which identified sebagaiia_archiver is User-agent, to do the crawl on sites on the internet. Basically, the robot Alexa start with a list of URLs that exist all over the Internet, then grouped based on local URL link when it is found.

Alexa also apply the Standard for Robot Exclusion (SRE) strictly to respect the privacy of the site. When the crawl Crawler performs the Alexa search for a file called "robots.txt" which made the site administrator to direct the behavior of the robot when crawling the web.

Benefits Alexa Traffic Rank

Although not the only provider of information traffic rank, Alexa is still considered to be the best though sometimes the results are not accurate according to some webmaster. Through Alexa, the condition can be known sites on the internet. What is the ranking of sites in the world and locally, how many links to information linked to the site loading speed.

For personal websites (blogs) are just for personal interest, Alexa Traffic Rank is not an important factor. But the company's website or websites that are expecting earnings of review, the quality of Alexa determine. Many advertisers, prospective customers a look at the Alexa Traffic Rank product website. Trust the quality of the site by the majority of Internet users can be seen dariAlexa Traffic rank.

How it Works Alexa Traffic Rank

Alexa Traffic Rank is a list of all the information on the internet sites sorted by traffic websites. Alexa also collect information from various sources to provide statistics of any site on the web. For instance, Traffic Rank, the number of Page Views, and Average Load Time website, etc.

Unlike the Google Page Rank which apply the numbers 1 to 10 to determine the quality of the site and the update's 3 months, Alexa uses the order of 1 to 30 million (over: not indexed / No data) for the quality of the site, which means that the smaller the number Alexa Rank the better. While the update's data is done every day. Alexa data will be changed every 24 hours whether it goes up or down, which definitely will not stay for a few days.

Such as search engines, Alexa also sealed crawl algorithm for the problem. We do not know how to actually work, it's just that Alexa explained briefly that the retrieval of information from a website sorted, sifted, counted, until finally getting traffic rankings to be displayed in the Alexa service. Additionally, Alexa Traffic Rank of a website is not only determined by the site's traffic, but take into account the traffic on all sites. Changes in traffic on other sites affect the ranking of your website. This is the cause why the ranking could change. This process is relatively complex. For more details, what is Traffic Rank and explanation please see

Increase Alexa Rank

As described above, Alexa rank calculation method is very complex and is confidential. My experience some blogs, Alexa rank could produce different results. Also from some of my observations on some blogs, blog sometimes over 1 year old and still No Data.

Sometimes I smiled to myself to read the tutorial tips for slimming Alexa Rank made by some bloggers. Unfortunately the article is a "copy and paste" which is not necessarily true as well as the blog itself is still in the position of millions and even No Data. But there is also an article about Alexa interesting to note


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